IndustriesScience & Research
We collaborate with the scientists and researchers to take their projects from theoretical concepts to functional design. Through imperial testing and evaluation, we follow scientific methodology within a Project Management based process. Our collaborative approach helps research partners gather the empirical data they need to move their research forward. The end-result is a coupling of focussed research with the development of physical systems which brings research to tangible reality.
Chick Nebulizing system
This innovation was developed in collaboration with the U of S Western College of Veterinary Medicine. Chick nebulization plays a crucial role in reducing the instance of sickness in chicks during their first week of life. Learn more here.
Equine Rehabilitation System
In partnership with the U of S Western College of Veterinary Medicine, RMD Engineering has created a game-changing harness system for recovery/rehab of horses from limb injuries. Up until this time, such injuries have been fatal due to a lack of inadequate technology for proper treatment. Learn more here.
Eliptical Polarizing Undulator
When scientists and engineers at the Canadian Light Source were designing a new experimental station at the synchrotron, the demand for a state-of-the-art piece of equipment was essential for future research. RMD Engineering in Saskatoon was chosen to build the CLS-designed machine, and positioned the company as a world-class manufacturer of sophisticated synchrotron equipment in the process. See the articles featured in and CBC News.
Collaboration with Huber on a large animal positioning system for Canadian Light Source
Unique to the western hemisphere, the large animal positioning system is designed for bio-medical research for human, animal and plant based systems. This allows researchers to leverage the technology available at the Canadian Light Source and accurately study items as large as a horse.